Website 5.0

So the website has a different look now. I did a long overdue update to some new php thing which I don’t totally understand, but there you go. Because of an unfortunate mishap over the course of the migration, I basically had to rebuild the site from the ground up again. So for the very …

On Perspective

Music and the military are not exactly two things most people would consider compatible. After nearly 18 years in the Army, even I wonder how they get along. Music is a tool that brings people together and builds bridges; the military is first and foremost an organization that blows stuff up. They don’t call ’em the …

March on Rome

So some ESPN sports commentator named Jim Rome tweeted: …and among the tweet rebuttals from band directors, students, and band enthusiasts was this one from the U.S. Army Field Band: …which garnered enough attention across the country that Fox News interviewed a representative from the band. I’ve been thinking about it enough in the last 24 hours that (gasp!) …

Website 4.0

Once again, I saw fit to update my website, and this time it’s the closest to what I think I always wanted when I began the process. Finally, here’s the blog properly integrated with all the information on the music. Finally, here’s total control over the layout and style, even though I’m still learning how …

I Hardly Ever Blog

See?  The last time I posted something was in 2009.  TWO AND A HALF YEARS AGO.  Sheesh. Oh, well, I just logged into WordPress and guess what?  I actually remembered my username and password!  That was one of the highlights of my day. And I’m positive reading this blog entry was yours.